The Helbinghaus

April 16, 2023


Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 10, Old Town

In their enthusiasm for the Goldenes Dachl, many a tourist has certainly walked past the beautiful Helblinghaus without even noticing it. Whether its location diagonally opposite Innsbruck’s landmark is favourable or unfavourable is debatable. What is certain, however, is that the magnificent building is definitely worth a short stop.

This town house was built in the 15th century and some parts, such as the pointed arches or the oriel ornamentation, still indicate the late Gothic architectural style of the time. In 1730, Anton Gigl decorated the house with stucco decorations of lush bouquets and tendrils of flowers, fruit bunches, shells, acanthus leaves, masks and putti, which were typical of the early rococo period.
The name Helblinghaus goes back to Sebastian Helbling, who ran a café on the ground floor at the beginning of the 19th century.